Be a Fluent Speaker

with our


“Don’t let stammering stop you from achieving your dreams” Communicate Effectively and Thrive–Personally & Professionally.

Be a Fluent Speaker

with our


“Don’t let stammering stop you from achieving your dreams” Communicate Effectively and Thrive–Personally & Professionally.

Welcome to
Stammering care foundation

Are you stammering to the point where you're depressed, anxious, humiliated, frustrated, and you've given up on life?

Remember! Stammering is not a physical defect, a disease, or a hereditary trait.

The goal of the Stammering Care Foundation is to push and pull people out of the darkness that they are currently experiencing.

We have the knowledge to assist you in becoming a fluent and stammer-free speaker. Over the past four years, more than a thousand students who enrolled in our course have successfully treated their stammering with our guidance.

If they can be treated successfully, why can't you? Making them fluent speakers will encourage them to begin a new and better life journey.

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Stammer Care Solutions

Why Choose us ?

We are intensively working on an individual speech to improve your communication skills and get over your anxieties about public speaking and avoidance

With our expert trainers who have struggled with stammer from childhood, the practical experience of stammering helps us understand the situation and feelings of the stammered which provides exact solution of the stammering

According to Nature of the Stammering, We start to focus on each person individually to help them overcome the challenges

After completion of the course, our students become Fluent in speaking while conversation and reading, Confident in group discussion, High confident which leads them to Good Career Growth

In comparison to other stammering treatment organizations, the course cost is the most affordable.

We Stammer Care Solutions, offer a 100% money-back guarantee if the student doesn’t improve after finishing the course

We continue to support our students once the training has finished.

Along with therapy, you will receive a supportive community on WhatsApp for the rest of your life, a great atmosphere, new friends, inspiration, a positive outlook, and a never-give-up attitude.

You will Overcome Stammering With Our Help!

Talk to us

Get the support you need. Call our helpline, start a webchat or email us. We know what it's like to stammer.

Therapy & Courses

The different therapies and courses for stammering.

get support

Want help for your stammer?
Has your child started stammering?
See what options are available.

Talk to us

Get the support you need. Call our helpline, start a webchat or email us. We know what it's like to stammer.

Therapy & Cources

The different therapies and courses for stammering.

get support

Want help for your stammer?
Has your child started stammering?
See what options are available.



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Get In touch

+91 99073 33508

available from 10:00 – 19:00

Address: Kuttitola Rd, North Pirojpur, English Bazar ,Malda, West Bengal 732101


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