Journey  to A stammering free life

In the fast-paced world of today, nobody wants to waste their time traveling. Accessing everything in today’s world has become so easy that everyone can access anything at their fingertip, considering this Stammering Care Foundation has completely transformed itself from an offline Stammering Training Care Foundation to an online stammering training institute.

The interactive online training is very suitable for those who are unable to attend our in-person courses. This is a live online training course where you learn to speak confidently and become a better communicator. These Online sessions will take you on a transformational and adventurous journey of 3-months in which you will get solutions to all of your stammering-related problems and will finally be able to live a life free of blockages.

We provide you with Extensive, Goal-oriented Therapy along with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Additionally, we guarantee that after completing this training, your life is completely going to change positively and this training will be the ultimate training of your life.


Stammering means that your speech becomes trapped. Even when you have something to say, you are unable to.

Stammering is the situation of speaking, where a stammerer takes several uneven pauses between the words or repeat half or whole of the word several time. The speaker knows what to speak, but he seems to be unable to speak the whole sentence in a single flow.

Stammering is often likened to an iceberg because some of the stammering is on the outside and some are hidden so, that maybe only you know about it as out of every hundred people has a stammer but their behavior can take many different forms.

One individual might become stuck or blocked on a certain word or sound, while another might repeat certain noises, yet another might go back and try the challenging word, and still, another might do all of these things and many more.

Stammerer faces lots of difficulties while making relationships with other people. Stammering hampers the quality of the person and even the interpersonal relationship between the life partners. When you stammer, your speech gets disturbed. You are unable to speak, even when you have something to say.

Crafted for more strategic & Effective Approach


Stammering Care Foundation

About Course

One of the finest institutes for Developing Speaking fluently, “Stammering Care Foundation” provides intensive training sessions to people to make them confident speakers without hesitation”

  • Understanding the Nature & Type of Stammering.
  • Implementation of appropriate Exercises and Techniques to overcome the anxiety.
  • Training begins with 5- Sessions Personally per Week.
  • Each Trainee will be individually attended by an Expert Trainer.
  • Group sessions after the completion of 5-Sessions which included Group Discussion, Debates, Cross-Conversation, etc.
  • Organizing a Virtual Public Speaking Session, in which people from different parts of India join for conversation to boost your confidence.
  • Lifetime WhatsApp Group Support where you can practice during your spare time.
  • Each member over there is a Stammerer and they are very helpful in nature. The people who had already overcome will help you and will try to answer each and every query of yours.
  • After following each and every instruction completely you get Lifetime Handhold Support so that you can get solutions if you face any problem in the future.


Counseling, Training, And Practice

Finding root cause of Stammering with life incidence story Effective Techniques implementations like Breathing Exercise, Tongue Exercise, Lip Exercise, Single Word Reading Practice

by Wassim Anwar

Day 1

Training Class

Practical Exercise – Breathing, Mouth Stretching, Tongue Vibration
Techniques implementation – Airflow, Prolongation, Breathing, Relaxation Techniques, Meditation, Reading Practice, Story Telling

by Wassim Anwar

Day 2

Training & Practice

Implementation of Day-1 & Day-2 Techniques. Interactions with stammered people for more improvement with the Breathing and Pause Technique.

Exercise & Practice Everyday
Techniques Implementation, Story telling with different techniques How to control on breath and words during interactions in real life
Real life interaction with People who don’t Stammer

by Wassim Anwar

Day 3 & 4

Practice & Implement

Exercise & Practice Everyday Techniques Implementation, Storytelling with different techniques How to control breath and words during interactions in real life Real-life interaction with People who don’t Stammer.

Exercise & Practice Everyday- 10 Minutes Phone calling Practice with a known Person. Calling practice with Strangers like Customer Care, Computer Training Institute, Coaching Centre etc.

by Wassim Anwar

Day 5

Next 3 Months Group Therapy Weekly 2 Sessions (1 Hour Each Session).

Group Discussion Sessions with more than 10 People on Different topics, Story Telling to Boost the Self-Confidence


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Therapy & Courses

Effective Therapies & Courses for Stammering.

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Therapy & Courses

Effective Therapies & Courses for Stammering.

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+91 99073 33508

available from 10:00 – 19:00

Address: Kuttitola Rd, North Pirojpur, English Bazar ,Malda, West Bengal 732101

Address: Kuttitola Rd, North Pirojpur, English Bazar ,Malda, West Bengal 732101
+91 82408 88464 | +91 99073 33508

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